Friday, June 29, 2012

I Read The News Today, Oh Boy!

The eagle-eyed amongst you will have noticed the article in this week's Wiltshire Times (it's on page 29 if you have a copy or you can read it online here) - if that article brought you here, then hello, have a look around the website and maybe we'll see you next weekend!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Wiltshire Times photo shoot

Anyone available to be in B-o-A at 5.30pm TONIGHT (Monday 25th June) for a Wiltshire Times photo shoot re the reunion? If so, drop us an email to to say you are coming, and we'll see you outside Fitzmaurice at 5.30 prompt!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Less than four weeks to go!

The catering is ordered, the decorations sourced, the music playlists and photo slideshows are being compiled - it's all go here!

With less than four weeks to go we have only a few people left to track down - have a look at the Missing page and see if you can help in any way with the last few!

It's not too late if you haven't booked - just drop us an email.  And if you know anyone from other years, or members of staff, tell them about the Sunday picnic!